by Robb | Jan 31, 2018 | General
Spring is coming and that means it’s time to raise awareness of the need for Clean Water in Kenya and the Great Rift Valley! This year we’re asking for your support to help us begin a New Venture in Kenya: our COMBO INITIATIVE. We’re taking our...
by Robb | Jan 15, 2018 | General
Lots of new things happening with Clean Water Kenya this year! Our website has been updated with an INTERACTIVE MAP showing by GPS LOCATION the areas in which we’re working (the 187 villages in which we work are represented by a number of Outlaying Area Villages...
by Robb | Jan 10, 2018 | General
The following 6 paintings are by unknown Kenyan Artists skilled in the depiction of everyday rural Maasai Life. The different styles, textures, colors and intricate lines of these paintings are truly exquisite. If anyone can help us identify any of the artists it...
by Robb | Jan 7, 2018 | General
The artwork purchased in Kenya last year and placed in the exceptional hands of world-renowned conservator Jeffrey Rouse is now ready for auction. Mr. Rouse spent many months stretching and preparing the 6 different Maasai paintings for Clean Water Kenya and did a...
by Robb | Jan 5, 2018 | General
To start off the New Year, Clean Water Kenya will begin distributing a new low-tech, easy-to-clean Portable Bio-Water Filtration System in Kenya: THE CHUJIO WATER FILTER! This new Chujio Filter replaces the old Sawyer Filter which is now in 185 Maasai and 2 Kampo...
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