Mark your calenders and set your timers for the Frederick, Maryland ‘Walk 4 Water Challenge’ on September 7th of this year!

We’re just 2 short months away from a truly fun and interesting Challenge Walk to raise money and awareness for the need for clean water within rural communities, both large and small, in the Great Rift Valley of Kenya.

Click on the Flyer and you’ll receive all the information you’ll need to support a great organization and cause that is saving and changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of rural Kenyans every day!

Karen Justice and her great team have put together a neat challenge for every member of the family. Come out and be challenged to experience a bit of what it takes to get a drink of clean water as too many Kenyans have to do every day.

Join us on September 7th at the Woman’s Mill Village Center in Frederick, Md. starting at 08:30am and running until 10:30am. Don’t miss this opportunity to do some real lasting good in this world and have fun while doing it!

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