Many thanks to everyone who contributed to our ADOPT A VILLAGE ’16 Campaign! Because of your efforts on this most recent trip 102 Portable Water Filtration Systems have been delivered to the Maasai of the Rift Valley.

Our seminar was held at the Ewaso Clinic on September 23rd with 85 village representatives attending. By the end of the day all 102 Systems had been constructed and lessons on their use and maintenance taught. Our Filter Systems are now in 185 Maasai villages, 2 rural clinics, 1 small hospital, 1 school and the homes of 4 volunteers. That equates to over 18,000 Maasai people now having access to clean disease-free drinking water on a daily basis.

children-of-the-masaiFollow-up spot checks in a few of our test villages set up in October 2015 show that all the Systems are working well. The Maasai are very happy with their Systems and what they now call their ‘Sweet Water.’ They tell us that they feel healthy and from what we saw that’s true.

An unexpected bonus for us occurred the day we were leaving to come home. As we were getting on the elevator of our hotel a woman who worked for the hotel engaged us in conversation. She asked where we were from and what we were doing in Kenya. When we told her we just delivered our Water Filter Systems to the Rift Valley she said excitedly, “Are you guys Clean Water Kenya?” When we told her yes she went on to tell us that when visiting her parents a few months earlier she saw in their home two brand new buckets and a filter with the Clean Water Kenya sticker over the spicket. She asked them what it was and they happily told her what it was, where they got it and how great it was working. This woman’s parents lived in the Saraishe Area 8 hours west of Nairobi where my friend Lucky Dog and I held a seminar last March. Word is spreading and Clean Water Kenya is gaining momentum in Kenya and we’re very happy about that.kenya-sept-2016-155

We look forward to branching out in the Rift Valley in the near future and continuing to build on the success of our project. With your help and support we’ll be able to do this. Thank you again to all our supporters. We couldn’t do this without YOU!

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We will continue to share our experiences with our readers as we travel the Kenyan Rift Valley. If you enjoy learning more about the Maasai and their lives, please consider a donation that will help us deliver them clean water systems.

Robb (65)

Robb Luther is a Partner at the Inbound Agency, Pittsburgh Internet Consulting and Vice President of Business Development. He has been diligently working for the past 20+ years helping B2B companies grow their business through improvements in website usability and conversion rate optimization.

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