What makes Clean Water Kenya different is that we work in what’s known as a ‘semi-arid’ region of the Eastern Rift Valley. Our base of operation is the Ewaso Clinic located not far from the Suswa Conservancy Area approximately 50 kilometers due west of Nairobi in northern Kajaido County. A short distance but a long 4 hour drive. We are the only NGO with a water project in this area. There are thousands of villages in this region.

The topography is flat with a few volcanic uprisings here and there. There is roughly 6 to 8 inches of topsoil covering solid volcanic rock. Sources of water are scarce consisting of small streams, watering holes and small catchment systems built by the Maasai to gather rainwater. These water sources and their viability are contingent upon the amount of rainfall during the short and long rainy seasons. Neither provide much rainfall although on rare occasions a heavy downfall will occur. These water sources dry up in-between the rainy seasons and the Maasai then rely on what previously they may have stored in barrels or jerry cans.

Most of the other NGO water projects are located in the south of Kenya along the border or southwest and far north of us because bore holes and wells can be drilled and constructed there offering a sustainable water source for that population. It’s the exact opposite where we are. There is no sustainable clean water source for the hundreds of thousands of Maasai who populate this region. It’s impractical as well as near impossible to drill through the volcanic rock. The water the Maasai have available to them is highly polluted due to livestock use and soil erosion. What we offer is a simple inexpensive solution to a long-term infrastructure problem that will not be resolved any time soon.


We have been accepted by the Maasai population and they encourage us to come and help and we have taken on that challenge. I hope you feel the same.

Robb (65)

Robb Luther is a Partner at the Inbound Agency, Pittsburgh Internet Consulting and Vice President of Business Development. He has been diligently working for the past 20+ years helping B2B companies grow their business through improvements in website usability and conversion rate optimization.

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